The Power of Storytelling in Business
Storytelling has always been a large part of human nature. It shapes and defines cultures, brings people together, and gives a deeper look into history. And today, it's one of the most important skills you can have in business.
Stories can illustrate how your company lives its values, how you perform, and how you handle challenging times. In addition, companies rely on stories to tell their future clients what the experience is like working with their products or services.
Stories are so valuable that companies leverage amazing platforms, like Brightr, to collaborate on creating stories and promote them on social platforms and their websites. With Brightr, your company has the best possible way to build and share stories.
The gap between editorializing the story (think infographic) and telling that story (think customer presentation) is key to success in the efficacy of storytelling. You have to call on your tough skills and step in front of the stories to bring them to life and make them impactful.
But lucky for you, storytelling is a skill that's learned, practiced, and continually leveraged. And, like most skills, it can take a cumulation of days, weeks, months, and even years of practice to master. But you have to start somewhere. The willingness to be a clumsy storyteller is the beginning of becoming a great storyteller. Once you have your bearings on what makes a great story, the possibilities are infinite.
As someone who is incredibly passionate about this, I couldn't be more excited to be on the judging panel for Brightr Stories, the client story competition hosted by Brightr, sponsored by Camp4. Here, teams from all over the world get to tell their most compelling client stories for a chance to win some amazing prizes and exposure.
If you and your team have a great client story, you can submit it here. I can't wait to read the stories you have to tell.